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Tentara ini dipenggal di jalanan London, Inggris |
Robert Spencer appeared on BBC
and had a debate with an
Imam, who opposes the visit by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. In the debate,
the Imam stated that only 1% of Muslims were responsible for the crimes being
committed in the name of Islam, while the other 99%, who are following the
Quran, are not. So, why the entire Muslim community must be judged by the
actions of a few deviant extremists as Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller et
al. do!
Spencer quoted a number of
horrific Quran verses like verse 9:29 calling for war and subjugation and imposing Jizya taxes on
the Christians and Jews, verse 9:28
which calls non-Muslims "unclean", verse 4:34 which sanctions beating of women etc. As expected, the Imam
immediately accused Spencer of taking those verses out of context without
failing to offer what right contexts are. At no time did the Imam
condemn these awful teachings than only charging Spencer with misrepresenting
them. The Imam even misquoted
Quran 5.32 stating that “if
one person is killed it is as if all mankind has been killed”
leaving out the segment that says "except
for those who make mischief and corruption in the land". And he also failed to quote
the next verse 5:33, which defines who such mischief-makers are and what they
deserve: “The recompense of
those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land
those refuse to accept Islam and possibly criticize it etc.) is only that they shall be killed or
crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be
exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment
is theirs in the Hereafter.”
By making these kinds of
statements—a perfect example of application of the Islamic doctrine of
al-Taqiya (deceiving the infidels) to defend the evil teachings of Islam—this
Imam, like the usual
moderate Muslims, was only providing religious cover for the Islam-inspired
violent and evil acts of the so-called deviant extremist Muslims.
Although moderate Muslims like the Imam, on programs like this, talk about
deviant extremists among them who pervert or hijack Islam, one is left
wondering how those 1% extremists could thrive amongst the very vociferous moderate
99%, who rise up in arms every time a critic of Islam says anything about Islam
not liked by them.
Where are world’s 99% moderate
and peace-loving Muslims marching in the streets against the evils committed
the extremists 1%, such as murdering and persecuting Christians, Hindus,
Buddhists throughout the Middle East, Africa, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Thailand
etc.? These Jihadists commonly justify their actions by quoting verses of the
Quran like 9.29, 9.5, 5.33, 3:151, 2:217 etc.?
Where are the 99% of the
3,000,000 million peace-loving British Muslims marching in the streets of
Britain condemning the beheading of Les Rigby and all the other acts of carnage
that are being committed by the 1% extremists?
Where are the 99% peace-loving
British Muslims marching in the streets of Britain condemning the rape and
gang-rapes of young kafir girls by their deviant Muslim brothers?
Where are the 99% peace-loving
British Muslims marching to their Mosques to eject the Imams, who teach hatred
and violence from the Quran and Sunnah, which has been repeatedly documented by
investigative TV programs in Britain?
Where are the 99% peace-loving
British Muslims marching in the streets demanding an end to anti-Semitic
teachings of Islam that makes up 17% of the sacred Islamic texts?
Where are the 99% law-abiding
British Muslims marching in the streets condemning the creation of “NO GO
SHARIA LAW ZONES” in British cities by extremist Muslims, where British law no
longer applies?
The entire Muslim community
generally rises up when a critic make a little slight, generally a deserving
one, about their religion. Then the answer to their not marching in the streets
when the minuscule number of extremist Muslims pervert their religion so
horribly only means that they have no complaints against those evil acts
committed by their so-called extremist coreligionists. And why should they?
Don’t those extremists readily quote from Islam’s holy texts to justify those
horrendous actions, just like the murderers of Les Rigby did? Could Muslims, extremists
or moderates, go against the writs and dictates of the Quran and Sunnah?
All these only obviate the fact that the cleverly-created
"extremist" and "moderate" paradigm in the Muslim community
works in perfect symbiosis to help them attain the goals of Islam in today’s
world, where an all-out extremist path, like in the olden days, are impractical
because of the disadvantageous power equations for Muslims. So, while the 1% extremists advance
the writs and demands of the Quran and Sunnah to make Islam victorious and the
only acceptable religion and system of governance in the whole world, the other 99% act as cover for them,
so that the well-meaning infidels won't take all-out actions against the
threats Islam poses to them, to the world.
We must remember that the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah are much
more evil and dangerous than those contained in Hitler’sMein Kampf.
Imagine if the Anglo-American axis applied the 99% moderate versus 1% extremist
Nazi that worked in the fashion it is working today with Muslims. What the
world would have looked like today?
Jake Neuman is the author
of “Islam and
Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason” and “Prophet Muhammad (AKA ALLAH): Monster
of History.”
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